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  • Parrot AR DRONE

    YouTube - Il canale di ARdrone

    "The AR.Drone is the result of a high tech development: the quadricopter, a helicopter that is extremely easy to fly. It is controlled by means of micromechanical accelerometers, gyros, ultrasonic sensor, two video cameras, combined with a powerful embedded Linux platform. All of these technologies have been combined for the first time by Parrot’s engineers to create the first fully-integrated Augmented Reality device: the Parrot AR.Drone."

    Un gioiellino che sarebbe un vero peccato non poter far volare RC.

  • #2

    Originariamente inviato da newings Visualizza il messaggio
    YouTube - Il canale di ARdrone

    "The AR.Drone is the result of a high tech development: the quadricopter, a helicopter that is extremely easy to fly. It is controlled by means of micromechanical accelerometers, gyros, ultrasonic sensor, two video cameras, combined with a powerful embedded Linux platform. All of these technologies have been combined for the first time by Parrot’s engineers to create the first fully-integrated Augmented Reality device: the Parrot AR.Drone."

    Un gioiellino che sarebbe un vero peccato non poter far volare RC.
    Dovrebbe essere disponibile dalla metà di settembre a 300€

    E' atterrato l'AR Drone. Dal blog Vita Digitale di Federico Cella. Corriere Della Sera

    Un bel giocattolo da interno.. da usare con Iphone..


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